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Thank you for considering joining the CA Students team!  Our goal is to give you a clear picture of what it looks like to be a leader with CA Students.


CA Students exists to lead students to complete commitment to Christ. We cannot accomplish this mission without leaders who are willing to sacrifice to see Students thrive in their faith. We expect of all our leaders to be people of character, walking towards a greater commitment to Christ in their own lives, which means being: 


  1. COMMITTED TO CHRIST: Putting your faith in Jesus and deciding to follow Him

  2. SUBMITTED TO SCRIPTURE: Looking to the Bible as the final authority on Jesus and how to live our lives

  3. SELF-INITIATING: Taking responsibility for your own spiritual formation

  4. PRAYERFUL: Supporting your church and ministry with prayer

  5. GENEROUS: Practicing a regular pattern of financial giving to the efforts of our church

  6. DEPENDABLE: Following through on commitments

  7. SOBER: Being free or in recovery from addictions to alcohol, drugs, or other substances

  8. PRACTICING PURITY: Engaged in sexual behavior only in the confines of a heterosexual marriage.


Leaders are not allowed to “date” or be romantically involved with students in either program

Thank you again for your interest in joining our mission to see students led to complete commitment to Christ!  If you would like someone to contact you with more information about serving in CA Students, you can email Gatlin Hardy at


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